Blogposts by 'Pavel Hruška'
In the following article I'd like to introduce you DesktopSMS app that brings SMS messaging on your Windows PC (including Windows 10) using Android phone. With DesktopSMS Client, native Windows PC application, you can connect your computer and Android device and then read, compose and send SMS messages easily using computer keyboard. Let's take a closer look.
This article describes how to decode Windows Product Key from DigitalProductId value which is stored in the registry. This may be useful when we have corrupted system that won't boot up or we just want or need to get the key from system where it is not possible to run key decoder. All we need is to get the DigitalProductId value form the registry of the offline system. Let's read more about it in this article.
Sometimes we need to get Windows Product Key Number from installed system because COA label is damaged or missing. The easiest way to do it is using Windows Product Key Finder and you can find plenty of them on the net. I've created another one which is really simple to use and portable without need to install on the target system.
I'm really happy to announce bizCard Manager 2.0.0 update. The most important feature added is MMS vCard support. Now you are finally able to send MMS vCards from your Android device to the most recent smartphones like iPhone, Nokia or other Android based devices supporting MMS vCards even if your device does not support this feature by default. Read more to see all new features included in the version 2.0.0.
Sometimes when you rename user account using Active Directory tools and fix all e-mail address releated task using EMC then you may notice that new e-mails sent to this account won't be received nor be returned back to the sender. Here is my workaround for the problem.
In my recent update of bizCard Manager I've implemented Android Navigation Drawer and beacause I wanted to keep my app running even on APIs lower then Drawer's requiered API level 11 I've used support library that runs on devices with API 7. But shortly after publishing the update I've received numerous crash reports with NoClassDefFoundError caused by FragmentManager, but only from devices running on API lower then 11 (Android 2.x). For anybody who is facing the same problem here is what was the probolem in my case.
It's been quite a long time since last bizCard Manager update. I am really happy to announce new version of this SMS vCard android application. I've fixed vCard sending issues and I've also implemented few new features such as MMS support that allows users to import vCards from MMS inbox. Let's check out what is new.
Android devices does NOT support contact sharing via short text messages (vCard SMS) the way we used to do it e.g. on Nokia phones. It does not even support receiving business cards via SMS and it just swallows that kind of incomming messages so user has no clue about that somebody sent him business card and, what worse, the sender receives success delivery notification. And because this was huge problem for me that I've solved recently I'd like to share the solution with you all.
I just finished work on english part of my web site. And this is the first blog post here to fill it with some stuff :). So please welcome and enjoy ;).